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Cannot get value from Mongo DB Rails Rake

Hope you could help me with the issue that I cannot find an answer. I have this app and trying to retrieve & update the value of record in DB.

My rake command in rails app looks like this:

task :nokogiri => :environment do

require 'nokogiri'  
require 'open-uri'

doc = Nokogiri::XML(open(url))

  data = doc.at_css(".lister-list")
  movies = data.css('.titleColumn')
  current_time ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
    movies.each do |movie|

      headline = movie.text.strip
      found = Movie.where("title" => headline).first

      if found.nil?
        title =
        title._id =
        title.title = headline
        title.current_time = current_time.to_s
        puts "Record created"
      #  arr =  found.to_a.to_json
       # puts arr.title
        puts found.title
        puts "Record exist"

The issue is that I can output "arr" object to console, but I am not able to check title field. I keep getting:

rake aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `title' for #<String:0x007f68589d93e8>

What do I do wrong here? How I could update the record with current_time?

p.s. I am new on rails, so your help would help me a lot and you are the last ones who can help me.


Edited: Answer was simple, with function where, we have to limit results and put it .first. Then we can get object values as usual found.title


  • In the else branch you say this:

    arr =  found.to_a.to_json

    to_json returns a String. Then you say:

    puts arr.title

    but there is no String#title method so you get a NoMethodError. Perhaps you mean to say:

    puts found.title

    Also, do you really mean to say found.to_a.to_json rather than found.to_json? That to_a call just wraps found in a single element array.