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java datatable server side issue

I am working on datable that populate the data from server side, issue i am facing is that it always give a alert box that shows

DataTables warning: table id=firmtable - Requested unknown parameter '1' for row 0. For more information about this error, please see i am unable to trace where this issue might be

my json

             \"tableName \":\"game\",
             \"changeTypeText\":\"Update \",

this is how i have worked it on server side

Iterator<LogInfo> i = logList.iterator();
int row = 0;
JsonObject returnObj = new JsonObject();
JsonArray dataArray = new JsonArray();
while (i.hasNext()) {
    LogInfo logInfo = (LogInfo);
    JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
    jsonObject.addProperty("logId", logInfo.getLogId());
    jsonObject.addProperty("tableName", logInfo.getTableName());
    jsonObject.addProperty("columnName", logInfo.getColumnName());
    jsonObject.addProperty("oldValue", logInfo.getOldValue());
    jsonObject.addProperty("newValue", logInfo.getNewValue());
    jsonObject.addProperty("changeTypeText", logInfo.getChangeTypeText());
    jsonObject.addProperty("changedByName", logInfo.getChangedByName());
returnObj.addProperty("sEcho", "3");
returnObj.addProperty("iTotalRecords", row);
returnObj.addProperty("iTotalDisplayRecords", row);
returnObj.addProperty("aaData", dataArray.toString());
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
Gson gson = null;
GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
gson = builder.create();
String resultStr = gson.toJson(returnObj);

whats happening on the client side it that mytable is not getting populated html code


     $(document).ready(function() {
             "bProcessing" : true,
             bServerSide : true,
             sAjaxSource : "./log!list.action",
             sServerMethod : "POST"
     }); </script>

<table id="firmtable">
                    <tr class="detail">
                         <th><s:property value="getText('auditLog.jsp.transactionId')" /></th>
                        <th><s:property value="getText('auditLog.jsp.tableName')" /></th>
                        <th><s:property value="getText('auditLog.jsp.columnName')" /></th>
                        <th><s:property value="getText('auditLog.jsp.oldValue')" /></th>
                        <th><s:property value="getText('auditLog.jsp.newValue')" /></th>
                        <th><s:property value="getText('auditLog.jsp.changeTypeId')" /></th>
                        <th><s:property value="getText('auditLog.jsp.changeBy')" /></th>
                        <th><s:property value="getText('auditLog.jsp.changeOn')" /></th>
                        <th class="edit"><s:property value="getText('global.action')" /></th> 

EDIT i have also tried sEcho value setting it to

returnObj.addProperty("sEcho", Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("sEcho")));

but no result, same issue i am getting

what result i get is the table first column gets populated with the aaData content like this

[ { L o g I d 1 0 8 i.e. single letter in first column


  • my problem is solved few things that i have changed i was using for json now i am using org.json which solved the issue of \ in my aaData then I used newer version of datatable and added jsonObject.put("DT_RowId", row); to my aaData now my json is as follows

             "changedOn":"2015-05-27 18:05:43.113",
             "changedByName":"Lalit Singh1",

    and in javascript code I have added

       "bProcessing" : true,
       bServerSide : true,
       sAjaxSource : "./log!lList.action",
       sServerMethod : "POST",
       "columns": [
           { "data": "LogId" },
           { "data": "tableName" },
           { "data": "columnName" },
           { "data": "oldValue" },
           { "data": "newValue" },
           { "data": "changeTypeText" },
           { "data": "changedByName" },
           { "data": "changedOn" },