Recently, typing python code in PyDev editors became extremely slow. Slow to the point that after typing a function name I have to wait to see letters appear one after another over several seconds. Even inside comments and strings. Other editors are fine.
I tried suggestions in other questions like disabling automatic building but got no effect.
Restarting Eclipse does not resolve the problem but after a reboot the situation is better.
I'm running PyDev 3.9.2/Eclipse 4.4.2 with Oracle Java 1.8 64bit on CentOS 7. Eclipse is started with -Xms512m
and -Xmx2048m
. The System is an old Intel Core i7 with 8GB Ram.
I appreciate any suggestions to find the problem cause.
Update: Still have the same issue with PyDev v4.1. I filed a bug report on the PyDev issue tracker: ID 582
Update 2: The bug was fixed in PyDev v4.2.
Ok, it seems that different reasons can cause it, but turning off vertical guidelines solved it for me:
Preferences -> PyDev -> Editor -> Vertical Indent Guide -> Show vertical indent guide set to False