Hi there I would like to do the following:
I am currently using business catalyst as my framework. They have a blog module that gives little no customization, in terms of blog lists. They have a preview tag that previews the the blog posts, and I only went it render the first image that shows up in the post, and nothing else.
By default if I put an image at the top of the blog post, BC will only render only the photo. If I don't put a photo, BC will render half of the blog post - which is stupid. No matter what the circumstance I just want the first photo rendered.
This needs to happen before BC renders the post.
How can I achieve this?
This is before:
<div class="blog1"><p>text</p><img src="#"></div>
This is after:
<div class="blog1"><img src="#"><p>text</p></div>
The only way to do it truly before it renders is handle it on server side. If you don't have access to that you can put a style rule in your header:
display: none;
and then make a js function to render it the way you want and then display it:
(function($, window){
function moveImages(){
var $blogs = $('.blog1');
var $this = $(this);
var $img = $this.find('img:first');
$(window).on('load', moveImages);
})(jQuery, window);