I'm facing a strange file access issue.
Linux system is RedHat 5.5
On this machine, when I log in as the given user: deploy_user, I can see that I have valid access to /path/to/the/folder/subfolder/file.txt
ls -l /path/to/the/folder shows (this means upto this path I can see contents):
13:50:53 drwxr-x--- 2 root dbgroup 4096 Apr 27 14:38 subfolder
and in folder subfolder, file.txt has the following access (ls -l output)
13:50:53 -rwxr----- 1 root dbgroup 1620 Dec 9 15:28 file.txt
On the server at $ prompt, if I do: id deploy_user I see I'm (being deploy_user) in dbgroup (i.e. anyone in dbgroup group can change directory to subfolder) and can read the file file.txt.
When I'm running the same commands in a free-style Jenkins job and running the job on this linux machine as a node/slave (where Jenkins connects only to this node/slave as user deploy_user using it's SSH keys successfully), I can't cd (change directory) and list or ls and read or cat this file.
NOTE: I'm restricting the jenkins job to run on a particular slave (using a label) i.e. it'll run the job only on a given machine (as I mentioned above).
In the jenkins job, all I'm running are the following commands:
echo "I'm `whoami`"
echo "I'm in: $(id `whoami`)"
echo "Again, my groups for: $(groups `whoami`)"
cat /etc/group | grep "^dbgroup"
cd /path/to/the/folder
pwd && echo "It works! upto /path/to/the/folder path in Jenkins job."
cd /path/to/the/folder/subfolder || echo "cd to subfolder - didnt work"
ls -l /path/to/the/folder/subfolder/file.txt || echo "ls on file.txt - didn't work"
echo "Sleeping for 60 seconds ..." && sleep 60
Main output from Jenkins job is:
13:50:53 I'm - deploy_user
13:50:53 I'm in: uid=3000(deploy_user) gid=3000(deploy_user) groups=4000(deployer),6001(dba),6081(osinstall),10121(dbgroup)
13:50:53 deployer dba osinstall
13:50:53 Again, my groups for: deploy_user : deployer dba osinstall dbgroup
13:50:53 dbgroup:x:10121:user1,user2,appuser3,svcuser4,deploy_user
13:50:53 /path/to/the/folder
13:50:53 It works! upto /path/to/the/folder path in Jenkins job.
13:50:53 /tmp/hudson58581.sh: line 7: cd: /path/to/the/folder/subfolder: Permission denied
13:50:53: cd to subfolder - didnt work
13:50:53 ls: /path/to/the/folder/subfolder/file.txt: Permission denied
13:50:53 ls on file.txt - didn't work
13:50:53 Sleeping for 60 seconds ...
Any idea why output of groups and groups deploy_user are different. groups command by defaults works for the current logged in user (which is whoami and it shows I'm deploy_user).
I also checked the groupID in the ls -l output for both subfolder/file.txt and it's 10121
OK, the issue was someone added dbgroup user recently but it got added after the node was created/configured/started i.e. for node to read the new settings, it had to be restarted.
That's why on the machine itself, everything was working fine at $ prompt but in Jenkins job, it was failing.
After I restarted the node (which was running the job aka was restricting the job to run only on a given slave with a label), the permission denied error went away.
Now, both commands groups and groups `whoami` shows the same # of groups.