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How to create blocked animation with Tween.js?

I have this moveStep() function to make the Sprite move a step with Tween.js,

createjs.Tween.get(this.lion).to({x: x, y: y}, 300);  

but if moveStep() is called more than once, the result is the same as when called once (x, y are calculated in the function).

What is the practical way to chain the animations or block the next animation before this one ended?

I could think of this method:

Calculate the parameters in the function and create a string, then eval the chained string at the end. But this seems not so good.


  • When you get an object for a Tween, it is a shortcut for new createjs.Tween(), so you are just making a new tween instance, which will run immediately.

    To chain tweens, you need to call additional to calls on the same Tween instance. If you created a Tween up front, and passed it into the method, that would do what you are asking:

    function moveStep(tween, x, y) {{x: x, y: y}, 300);  
    var tween = createjs.Tween.get(this.lion);
    moveStep(tween, 100,100);
    moveStep(tween, 300, 300);

    You can also construct the to() calls in order.

    var tween = createjs.Tween.get(this.lion)
        .to({x:300, y:300});

    Hope that helps.