I'm working on an app which has 2 Cfform elements that display the results from DB table. I'm wanting to update the content of the DB table and have the cfform elements update without doing a page refresh. How do I incorporate javascript into my code to handle asynchronously refreshing the display components without a full page refresh in the browser?
The solution to this is as follows:
Change the form type from Flash to HTML. Eliminate the CFformlayout tags as they will just create a bigger headache than necessary.
The following code provides a working coldfusion function and javascript call:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#createReport").click(function(f) {
var getReportName = $("input#reportName").val();
var getReportPath = $("input#reportPath").val();
var getReportDesc = $("input#reportDescrip").val();
//var getCategory = $("input#categoryBox").val();
url: "",
dataType: "JSON",
reportName: getReportName,
reportPath: getReportPath,
reportDescrip: getReportDesc
//categoryBox: getCategory
success: function(result){
alert("You successfully added a new report to the system") }
<!--- CF AJAX function to create new report in DB--->
<cffunction name="testFunc" access="remote" description="tests the AJAX functionality and query">
<!--- Function takes in variables from CF page and AJAX call --->
<cfargument name="mathVariable" default="8978" type="any">
<!--- This is just a test argument to verify ajax works before adding new fields--->
<cfargument name="reportName" default="" type="any">
<!--- This argument maps to the like named form field and is passed through AJAX call--->
<cfargument name="reportPath" default="" type="any">
<!--- This argument maps to the like named form field and is passed through AJAX call--->
<cfargument name="reportDescrip" default="" type="any" >
<!--- This argument maps to the like named form field and is passed through AJAX call--->
<cfargument name="categoryBox" default="Vendor Management" type="any">
<!--- This argument maps to the like named form field and is passed through AJAX call--->
<cfquery name="qryTest" datasource="First_Title_Main_Dev"> <!--- Query creates a new report in the master report list table--->
INSERT INTO Report_Master_List (Report_Name, URL, Report_Desc, Category)
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.reportName#">,
<!--- report name form field references Report_Name column--->
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.reportPath#">,
<!--- report path form field references ReportPath column--->
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.reportDescrip#">,
<!--- report descrip form field references ReportDescrip column --->
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.categoryBox#">
<!--- categoryBox form field references Category column --->
<cfquery name="updateReportList" datasource="First_Title_Main_Dev">
SELECT rid, Report_Name <!---Get updated Report Name--->
FROM Report_Master_List <!---Table referenced is Report_Master_List--->
<cfreturn updateReportList>