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angular-uploadcare $parse undefined error

Implementing angular-uploadcare module which can be found here.

Seems to work, but Chrome is giving line 34 $parse undefined error. How can this be addressed?

I've pasted the code below.

 * @ngdoc directive
 * @name angular-uploadcare.directive:Uploadcare
 * @description Provides a directive for the Uploadcare widget.
 * # Uploadcare
angular.module('ng-uploadcare', [])
  .directive('uploadcareWidget', function () {
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      replace: true,
      require: 'ngModel',
      template: '<input type="hidden" role="ng-uploadcare-uploader" />',
      scope: {
        onWidgetReady: '&',
        onUploadComplete: '&',
        onChange: '&',
      controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$log', function($scope, $element, $log) {
        if(!uploadcare) {
          $log.error('Uploadcare script has not been loaded!.');
        $scope.widget = uploadcare.Widget($element);
        $scope.onWidgetReady({widget: $scope.widget});
        $scope.widget.onUploadComplete(function(info) {
          $scope.onUploadComplete({info: info});
        $scope.widget.onChange(function(file) {
          // add data binding for hidden inputs
          $scope.$apply(function () {
            $parse($attrs.ngModel).assign($scope.$parent, $element.val());
          $scope.onChange({file: file});


  • It seems that this is a bug in version 0.1.2. To fix that change the controller signature to:

    controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', '$parse', '$log', function($scope, $element, $attrs, $parse, $log) {