I made my select tag directive of the private use
template html
<select ng-model="model" ng-options="item as item[labelName] for item in array">
<option ng-if="!!hasTop" value="">non choice</option>
"array" is return value of $recource.query
With "non choice" in the top, I want to have. ex
+-"non choice"
+-option a
+-option b
but, not work
+-option a
+-option b
+-"non choice"
help me.
Additional requirements
It became the top when I deleted ng-if. but. In this directive, I want to control display of "non choice" with an attribute Is there a good idea?
If I understood it correctly, You need to set an empty options at the top. In that case use like below
<select ng-model="model" ng-options="item as item[labelName] for item in array">
<option value="">non choice</option>