I am trying to extract the "first_name"
and "last_name"
from a long string of information that look like this:
"123123123": {
"id": "12321312****",
"email": "***************",
"first_name": "Marcus",
"gender": "male",
"last_name": "Bengtsson",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/123123123/",
"locale": "en_EN",
"middle_name": "Peter",
"name": "Marcus Peter Bengtsson"
The way I do it (which is probably horribly wrong and a pretty bad solution) is that I firstly extract the substring from "first_name"
to "link"
with this code:
String subStr = str.substring(str.indexOf("first_name"), str.lastIndexOf("link"));
Then I get:
Then I do the same thing but from ":"
to "gender"
to get the "first_name
String firstNameOfUser = subStr.substring(subStr.indexOf(":")+2, subStr.lastIndexOf("gender")-3);
Then the same thing for "last_name"
String lastNameOfUser = subStr.substring(subStr.indexOf(""last_name"")+12, subStr.lastIndexOf(",")-1);
And lastly I append the both strings with a space in between:
String nameOfUser = new StringBuilder().append(firstNameOfUser).append(" ").append(lastNameOfUser).toString();
And then I get:
Marcus Bengtsson
There is probably a much better way to do this but I can't seam to figure out how.
This looks like a JSON so it would be much better to parse it as such using one of many available parsers and then extract the data.