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If I want to promote a char to an int, should I use static_cast<int>(char variable) or +(char variable) and why?

This question is a little subjective, but I believe it may lead to some constructive answers. Assume I have char x; and I want to promote it to an integral so I can access it's numeric value. Which should I prefer to use and why? static_cast<int> or unary arithmetic operator +?

My own thoughts are that using a static_cast<int> is more explicit and readable. However, using the unary arithmetic operator + is shorter code.

Is one way safer than the other?


  • IMO, there is one important advantage of using static_cast, even if it is a little bit more verbose: it allows you to quickly search your code for casts via grep or any other text searching utility. In large projects this may make the difference, since otherwise C-style casts are often mistakenly matched in functions declarations such as void f(double), where (double) is of course not a cast.

    Moreover, static_cast makes perfectly clear your intention. Using the + operator may seem exotic (incomprehensible) to someone who is not 100% familiar with integer promotions rules. In terms of "safety", afaik, both are equally good.

    Related: What is the difference between static_cast<> and C style casting?