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Use convert to replace lightness channel with another lightness channel

How can I use ImageMagick to replace 1.png's HSL lightness channel with 2.png's HSL lightness channel? I almost cannot understand the convert syntax.


  • There are at least two ways to do it...

    First, and slowest is using -fx and the command will look like this:

    convert 1.png 2.png -colorspace HSL -channel L -fx "v" -colorspace RGB result.png

    That will load the two images, 1.png and 2.png, and convert them both to HSL colorspace. It will then produce a new Lighness channel by using the value from image v (which is how ImageMagick refers to the second image in a sequence - the first being u). It then converts the resultant image back to RGB colorspace.

    The second method looks like this and will be faster, especially on larger images:

    convert 1.png 2.png      \
      -colorspace HSL        \
      -separate              \
      -delete 2-4            \
      -combine               \
      -set colorspace HSL    \
      -colorspace rgb        \

    Basically, it will load both images, convert both to HSL, and separate into layers. Layer 0 will be 1.png's Hue, layer 2 will be 1.png's Saturation and Layer 3 will be 1.png's Lightness. Layers 3-5 will be 2.png's Hue, Saturation and Lightness. Then we delete delete 1.png's Lightness and 2.png's Hue & Saturation then combine the three channels into a new image, convert it back to RGB and save it as result.png

    To test it, I create 2 dummy input images like this:

    convert -size 256x256              \
          xc:red xc:lime +append       \
       \( xc:blue xc:black +append \)  \
         -append 1.png

    enter image description here

    and this

    convert -size 512x512 gradient:black-white 2.png

    enter image description here

    then I apply my first technique, namely

    convert 1.png 2.png -colorspace HSL -channel L -fx "v" -colorspace RGB result.png

    and I get this

    enter image description here

    The second technique gives identical results.