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How to distort an image using wand

I'm trying to the same that was asked in this old question but in python using wand.

so far I have done the following:

from wand.image import Image
from wand.display import display

# Paths to your input images
background_path = 'background.png'
source_path = 'source.jpg'
output_path = 'output.jpg'

# Open the background image
with Image(filename=background_path) as background:
    # Open the source image (source)
    with Image(filename=source_path) as source:
        # Define the distortion points
        distortion_points = (
            0, 0, 0, 0,
            265, 0, 540, 85,
            265, 333, 594, 426,
            0, 333, 342, 446

        # Apply the perspective distortion to the blank image
        source.distort('perspective', distortion_points)

        # Composite the background image onto the distorted source
        background.composite(source, 317, 99)

        # Save the resulting image


The flower image is distorted and the pixel aren't aligned.

Any idea on how to achieve the same only in python?


This is the current status

current result Current result

expected result Expected result

background image Background image

source image

Source image



  • I think you need to do it more like this:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from wand.image import Image
    from wand.display import display
    # Paths to your input images
    background_path = 'background.jpg'
    source_path = 'source.jpg'
    output_path = 'output.jpg'
    # Open the background image
    with Image(filename=background_path) as background:
        # Open the source image (source)
        with Image(filename=source_path) as source:
            # Define the distortion points
            distortion_points = (
                0, 0, 317, 99,
                265, 0, 540, 85,
                265, 333, 594, 426,
                0, 333, 342, 446
            # See
            source.virtual_pixel = 'transparent'
            source.artifacts['distort:viewport'] = f'{background.width}x{background.height}+0+0'
            # Apply the perspective distortion to the blank image
            source.distort('perspective', distortion_points)
            # Composite the distorted source onto the background
            background.composite(source, 0, 0)
            # Save the resulting image

    enter image description here

    Note, on macOS, I had to set MAGICK_HOME to enable wand to find ImageMagick libraries using:

    export MAGICK_HOME=$(brew --repository)