I have a cinema system where you can select a session and buy a ticket for that so I have a link_to:
<td><%= link_to 'Buy', new_offer_path(:session_id => session.id) %></td>
I have a model called offer and a model ticket, when the user press Buy it generates a Offer. this offer has a nested Ticket and the info that i need is the session_ID to create a ticket id in the offer.
Here is my offer controller #new
def new
@offer = Offer.new
@offer.ticket = params[:session_id]
but it wont work, i need the params i have passed by link to fill the ticket fields in the offer how i do that?
other maybe usefull
Offer model
class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :ticket
Ticket model
class Ticket < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :session
belongs_to :seat
has_many :offers
Add the following in your form:
<%= f.hidden_field :session_id, :value => params[:session_id] %>
So that the session_id
persists till the create