How do you call a function function defined outside a plugin but using arguments inside the plugin. I have it where the plugin is calling the function but the parameters are undefined. Inside the plugin the arguments has values.
(function ($) {
$.fn.myPlugin = function (options) {
var defaults = {
type: 0,
callBack: function () { }
var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
this.find('.list-item').click(function (e) {
var txt = $(this).attr('href');
var id = txt.substring(1, txt.length);, id); // populated here
return this;
} (jQuery));
function loadData(type, id) {
// type and id are undefined
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
type: 190,
callBack: function(){ loadData();}
What if you replace
callBack: function(){ loadData();}
callBack: loadData
Hope that helps