I am creating js sdk, where I am looking for creating user (API)/ user call function like;
var user = new user();
//process data received from callback.
Now, I know that method chaining can be done, and I am able to make something like
function User(Name) {
this.uname = Name;
User.prototype = {
constructor: User,
MessageTo: function (username) {
this.uname = username;
return this;
getFriendList: function (callback) {
callback("My list");
and I can use it as below after creating object of User();
But I have no Idea about how to get the method call like what I am looking for as;
Evan I am not sure if it is possible or not. Any help or pointer with same regards is appreciated.
As, commented by other member, there are other option to do same thing, but as I have to do it the way I needed here is how we managed to do that.
This solution fits in my requirement, so may be not best suited in other cases.
var User = function(){
UserName = null;
this.message = {
to : function(uname){
UserName = uname
alert('called to '+uname);
this.get = {
friendlist : function(callback){
console.log('called friendlist');
callback('Hello friendlist :: '+ UserName);
return this;
and using it like;
var user1 = new User();
alert('call back says '+ data);
Here is link to jsfiddle
Hope it may be useful to some one or guide in same direction...!!!