I am trying to change the background color (only for a few words) in a Word document.
I am using DocX (https://docx.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Examples/Program.cs), but I cannot find any methods/properties which allow me to do so.
Here is my code:
var rb = new Formatting();
rb.UnderlineColor = this.GetResultColor(stu.RespectfulBehavior);
rb.FontColor = this.GetResultColor(stu.RespectfulBehavior);
templ.ReplaceText(PlaceHolders.RespectfulBehaviour.GetDisplayName(), " ", newFormatting: rb);
Looking at the DocX source code of the Formatting in class I would say that you're looking for Highlight
. So if you wanted something highlighted in blue
rb.Highlight = Highlight.blue;
Edit: This seems to have been already answered in this question https://stackoverflow.com/a/30141775/2039359