I have a User model which has_one Library which has_many Books.
In my seeds file I do this:
user1 = User.new
user1.email = "test@email.com"
user1.name = "testname"
user1.password = "password"
user1.library = Library.new
book1 = Book.create!(hash_of_attributes)
user1.library.books << book1
puts "book1 library_id " + book1.library_id.to_s
the line puts "book1 library_id " + book1.library_id.to_s clearly outputs the value of 1, so we know the library_id attribute is set to 1 on the newly created Book model.
However, after running rake db:seed, I run rails console and do:
only to find
<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy []>
And running Book.first shows
library_id: nil
So the book was created except it wasn't properly associated to my library, which is properly associated to my user model.
What is going on?
Running Rails 4.1.6
user1 = User.new
user1.email = "test@email.com"
user1.name = "testname"
user1.password = "password"
First of all you need to save user for it's id. Then ....
user1.library = Library.new
library1 = user1.library.save!
book = Book.create!(hash_of_attributes)
book1 = library1.books << book
puts "book1 library_id " + book1.library_id.to_s