Using node-postgres, the following snippet works fine:
let shift_solutions = function (ufrom, uto) {
let cmd = 'update solutions set "user" = \''+uto+'\' where "user" = \''+ufrom+'\''
client.query( cmd, null, function (err,rslt) {
... works
but the if I change the above to:
client.query('update solutions set "user" = %2 where "user" = %1',
function (err,rslt) {
... fails
yields - Unhandled rejection error: syntax error at or near "%".
I suspect it might have something to do with the fact that the user field is of type 'uuid', but don't really have a clue tbh. The parameters are supplied as strings:
[ '8e479385-5692-4acc-8dd7-4630480bd17f',
'0cc0832e-1f01-40a9-aaa4-30ae8e56d708' ]
Anybody able to shed some light on what I am doing wrong here? Thanks.
Use the dollar sign for your parameters ie
client.query('update solutions set "user" = $2 where "user" = $1'