I've written this code to create a sample IDT and load it in to the proper register. I've checked Intel System programming guides for proper structures, and yet I can't get interrupts working. While running kernel code in Bochs, and triggering interrupt (using __asm__ ("int $32");
I get a log that says:
00135687199e[CPU0 ] interrupt(): gate not present
00135687199e[CPU0 ] interrupt(): gate descriptor is not valid sys seg (vector=0x0b)
00135687199e[CPU0 ] interrupt(): gate descriptor is not valid sys seg (vector=0x08)
Of course this causes a CPU reset, as interrupt is unhandled. To load IDT I use following:
extern void _lidt(_IDT_PTR* idtPtr); //C code side
.global _lidt
push %ebp
mov %esp,%ebp
mov 8(%esp), %eax
lidt (%eax)
This is called like this:
static struct __InteruptDescriptorTableEntry InteruptDescriptorTable[NUM_IDT_ENTRIES];
void zeroIDT()
unsigned i;
IDTEntry nullIDTEntry = fillIDTEntry(0,0,0);
registerInterupt(nullIDTEntry, i);
void registerInterupt(const IDTEntry entry, const unsigned intNo)
InteruptDescriptorTable[intNo] = entry;
__asm__("mov $0xDEADC0DE, %eax");
#define LOW_FUN_ADDR(fun) ( (uint32_t)fun & 0xFFFF )
#define UP_FUN_ADDR(fun) ( (uint32_t)fun >> 16) & 0xFFFF
IDTEntry fillIDTEntry(uint32_t intHandler,
uint16_t selector,
uint8_t type_attr)
{ IDTEntry newEntry;
newEntry.offset_low = LOW_FUN_ADDR(intHandler);
newEntry.selector = selector;
newEntry.zero = 0;
newEntry.type_attr = type_attr;
newEntry.offset_up = UP_FUN_ADDR(intHandler);
return newEntry;
extern void _lidt(_IDT_PTR* idtPtr);
void loadIDT()
_IDT_PTR idtPtr;
idtPtr.idtSize = sizeof(struct __InteruptDescriptorTableEntry)*256 - 1;
idtPtr.idtBaseAddr = (uint32_t) &InteruptDescriptorTable;
IDTEntry printOnScreenInt = fillIDTEntry((uint32_t)interupt_pritnOnScreen, 0x18, 0xe);
registerInterupt(printOnScreenInt, 32);
Data structures:
struct __InteruptDescriptorTableEntry
uint16_t offset_low;
uint16_t selector;
uint8_t zero;
uint8_t type_attr;
uint16_t offset_up;
} __attribute__((packed));
typedef struct __InteruptDescriptorTableEntry IDTEntry;
struct _ITD_PTR
uint16_t idtSize;
uint32_t idtBaseAddr;
} __attribute__((packed));
typedef struct _ITD_PTR _IDT_PTR;
And sample Interrupt routine:
.global interupt_pritnOnScreen
mov $0xf00ff00f, %eax
I've checked if IDT register is loaded with ptr to IDT in quemu, and it is. I am loading IDT right after being booted up by GRUB (protected mode is set and GDT selectors span across the whole RAM). I think I am incorrectly register Interrupt routines, but I can point any mistake in my code.
The log clearly says not present
. You forgot to set the present bit in the IDT entry. You should use type_attr
of 0x8E