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Setting up crypto++

I downloaded crypto++ 5.6.2 (the zip file) and built it using just make (I have gcc 4.8.1). It seemed to work and gave me a libcryptopp.a file.

Now, to test the setup, I tried to compile the test.cpp file that was provided with the download (link here:

First, I compiled it with

g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -g -Iinclude -I/c/libraries/cryptopp562 -c test.cpp -o obj/test.o

which gave a lot of warnings (deprecations and unused variables mostly) but worked and I got the test.o file.

Now, to link it, I used

g++ obj/test.o -o bin/test -L/c/libraries/cryptopp562 -lcryptopp

But this gave a lot of undefined reference errors and failed.

For example

D:\.../test.cpp:119: undefined reference to `RegisterFactories()'

But when you look at the test.cpp file (, there is only the declaration to RegisterFactories(), but no definition. Does this mean, it needs to find it from the library? (A local declaration shouldn't be needed in this case, no?)

Ok, so what do I have to do to get the whole library to work? Use gmake to build it? Or use an older gcc? Or maybe my compile/link commands are incorrect?


  • Setting up crypto++

    The instructions to setup Crypto++ under Linux are on the wiki at Build and Install the Library.

    ... to test the setup, I tried to compile the test.cpp ...

    If you want to build the test suite, then you run make cryptest.exe.

    If you want to run the test suite after building it, you run ./cryptest.exe v.

    undefined reference to RegisterFactories()

    There are 9 source files that are used in the test suite. They are:

    • validate.h, bench.h
    • test.cpp, datatest.cpp
    • bench.cpp, bench2.cpp
    • validat1.cpp, validat2.cpp, validat3.cpp

    ... what do I have to do to get the whole library to work?

    make cryptest.exe and ./cryptest.exe v usually work fine :)

    I usually run make static dynamic cryptest.exe to build both the static archive and the shared object.

    You can also run individual test with tv command. For example, ./cryptest.exe tv sha1 will run SHA-1 related tests. tv is "test vectors", and they are located in the `TestVectors" directory of the sources.

    Related, if you want the test suite to run after installation, then you will need the DataDir Patch.

    Its a patch supplied by the community. Its not part of the Crypto++ library (though it should probably be part of the library).