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Is there a rest api for the drupal admin interface (e.g. for clearing the cache)

I'm using cloud based continuous integration to deploy my theme to my drupal site, and I would like to be able to automate the clearing of the cache after the theme files are copied in place.

Is there a way of doing this remotely?

I'm thinking it would be great if there was a rest api to do things like this, so I could do for example:


This would be done remotely from a script. I'm thinking of this as a complement to drush, a kind of "remote drush" for the cases where you don't have ssh access to the server but you still want to automate things.

Is there a module for this? Or some other strategy?


  • You could write a small module that hooks into cron:

    // function that will be triggered on next cron run
    function <MODULE>_cron() {
       // clear all caches

    Then you could simply run cron:


    Which in turn will trigger <MODULE>_cron() that will clear the cache.

    Another approach would be to create a small module that adds a callback through hook_menu():

    function <MODULE>_menu() {
      $menu['cache/clear/%'] = array(
        'page callback' => '<MODULE>_clear_cache',
        'access arguments' => array('access content'),
        'page arguments' => array(2)
      return $menu;
    function <MODULE>_clear_cache($cache) {
      // check so we have a valid access_token
      $access_token = variable_get('cache_access_token');
      $token = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'access_token');
      if($token == $access_token) {
        switch($cache) {
          case 'all':
          case 'theme':
            cache_clear_all('theme_registry', 'cache', TRUE);
    function <MODULE>_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
      if($form_id == 'system_site_information_settings') {
        // add a cache access token field under site information
        $form['cache_access_token'] = array(
            '#type' => 'textfield',
            '#title' => t('Access Token'),
            '#description' => t('Token used to access clear cache remotely'),
            '#default_value' => variable_get('cache_access_token')

    Enable the module and you should be able to clear you cache by running:


    if you only would like to clear the theme cache you would do like this:


    There is also a module called Clear Cache Remotely that I think does exactly what you want.