Search code examples

JSOUP: How to get Href?

I've this HTML code:

 <td class="topic starter"><a href="">Title</a></td>

I want to extract "Title" and the URL, so I did this:

 Elements titleUrl = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("class", "topic starter");
 String title = titleUrl.text();

And this works for the title, but for the URL I tried the following:

 String url = titleUrl.html();
 String url = titleUrl.attr("a [href]");
 String url = titleUrl.attr("a[href]");
 String url = titleUrl.attr("href");
 String url = titleUrl.attr("a");

But no one works and I'm not able to get the URL.


  • Try this:

    Element link ="td.topic.starter > a").first();
    String url = link.attr("href");

    You first select the a element and then extract its attribute href.