I want to set the background color (and foreground color) of the status bar in my freshly created Delphi XE8 Firemonkey app. With the status bar I mean the top bar with the time and wifi widgets.
I just cannot find it. I need some help :-)
Thanks, Edward
The Fill.Color of the form controls the color of the toolbar, and the average luminance of this color controls wether the text is white or black
Borderstyle must be <> None, or else the toolbar will be hidden.
If you have multiple forms, it is a bit unclear what form is used, but it seems like it is the last form being auto-created in your project file.
Here is some relevant sourcecode from FMX.Platform.iOS.pas
that documents the color of the text:
procedure TPlatformCocoaTouch.UpdateStatusBarColor(const AForm: TCommonCustomForm);
AppDelegate.MainWindow.RootViewController.SetStatusBarBackgroundColor((AForm as TCustomForm).Fill.Color);
procedure TFMXViewController.SetStatusBarBackgroundColor(const ABackgroundColor: TAlphaColor);
FStatusBarLuminance := Luminance(ABackgroundColor);
function TFMXViewController.preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle;
if FStatusBarLuminance < 0.5 then
Result := UIStatusBarStyleLightContent
Result := UIStatusBarStyleDefault;
PS. I have another unanswered SO question about how to make the statusbar transparent, which is native iOS 7+ behavior.