I'm using mp4parser to add two videos together in an android app, but the output is a file I can't play with my phone or my computer (Windows Media Player and VLC). This is the function i use
public void MergeVideos(String[] pathsToVideos, String pathToOutput) throws IOException, InterruptedException
List<Track> tracks = new LinkedList<Track>();
Movie outputVideo = new Movie();
for (int i = 0; i < pathsToVideos.length; i++)
Movie video = MovieCreator.build(pathsToVideos[i]);
List<Track> trackss = video.getTracks();
for (Track track : trackss)
if (track.getHandler().equals("vide"))
outputVideo.addTrack(new AppendTrack(tracks.toArray(new Track[tracks.size()])));
Container out = new DefaultMp4Builder().build(outputVideo);
File outputFile = new File(pathToOutput);
//write mp4 file
FileChannel fc = new RandomAccessFile(String.format(pathToOutput), "rw").getChannel();
//Add to the android media gallery so i can see it on my computer
addToGallery(new File(pathToOutput));
Since the problem was coming from MP4Parser itself, I stepped over to FFMpeg, from which I can successfully combine videos.
I'm used the demuxer and for later reference; this is the command I used:
"ffmpeg -y -f concat -i temp.txt -c copy output.mp4"