I want to assign callback URL via Nexmo API.
I'm saying about this URL:
I just buy the new SMS number via Nexmo API: Nexmo API docs: 'Buy number'. I'm using .NET for this, but the language doesn't matter.
var client = new WebClient();
client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
string ApiBuyUrl = "http://rest.nexmo.com/number/buy";
string ApiBuyParams = "api_key={0}&api_secret={1}&country={2}&msisdn={3}";
// params assignment
string buyResultString = client.UploadString(ApiBuyUrl, apiBuyParams);
Then I want to assign to this just bought number the Callback URL.
I read the documentation, but didn't find anything about it. Is it possible to implement in the runtime?
I've found the HTTP request to update the Callback URL of the specified phone number.
POST /number/update?api_key={api_key}&api_secret={api_secret}&country={country}&msisdn={msisdn}&moHttpUrl={url}&moSmppSysType={sysType}&voiceCallbackType={type}&voiceCallbackValue={value}&voiceStatusCallback={status}
Here you will find more information.