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FxCop for .NET 4.0

I know Visual Studio 2010 has a new Code Analysis tool built in, but that is only for the premium and ultimate editions. From what I can see the latest FxCop supports .NET 3.5 SP1. Searching I wasn't able to find any references to an FxCop for .NET 4.0. Is there plans to continue to offer FxCop and for it to support .NET 4.0? Where would I find more information about it and download it?


  • The latest version of FXCop (v10) is bundled with the install of the latest Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .Net 4, released on 5/19/2010. From Microsoft - Full ISOs

    Once the SDK is installed you can find the FXCop installer EXE under %programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\FXCop (This assumes you kept the default install directory when installing the SDK).
