While learning C, I've recognized that you can see the manual of its functions within linux shell (I've been using BASH). For example:
man strlen
man crypt
man printf
I'd figured that maybe I could use those functions in shell scripting.
Is this true? How can I use those functions in shell script?
You can't. Manpages are a relic of a time when there were no IDEs, and no Web to look things up in. You would write your code in an editor such as ed
or vim
or emacs
, look up functions with man
, compile with cc
. The fact that man
command looks up C functions does not mean you get to use those functions directly in a shell.
However, some of those functions also have an equivalent in *NIX: man 3 printf
is a C function, but man 1 printf
is a *NIX one.