I have a list of radio buttons of which only one can be checked. I would like to retrieve the values from the selected radio button. I do not seem to get any text in returned alert.
Please note that this HTML is generated automatically and therefore I cannot edit it. Adding value to the is therefore not possible.
<form class="leaflet-control-layers-list">
<div class="leaflet-control-layers-base">
<input class="leaflet-control-layers-selector" type="radio" checked="checked" name="leaflet-base-layers"></input>
<input class="leaflet-control-layers-selector" type="radio" name="leaflet-base-layers"></input>
<input class="leaflet-control-layers-selector" type="radio" name="leaflet-base-layers"></input>
This is the jQuery Script which I use:
radioButtonText = $('input[name=leaflet-base-layers].leaflet-control-layers-selector:checked').html();
Does anybody know how I can return the text `Gemeenten´, ´Buurten´ or ´Wijken´ depending on which radio button is selected?
Set a value attribute in the input radio
<input value="Gemeenten" class="leaflet-control-layers-selector" type="radio" checked="checked" name="leaflet-base-layers">
And grab the radio input value using the .val() method
radioButtonText = $('input[name=leaflet-base-layers].leaflet-control-layers-selector:checked').val();
And if you need the span html content:
radioButtonText = $('input[name=leaflet-base-layers].leaflet-control-layers-selector:checked');
var label_value = radioButtonText.closest('label').find('span').html();