I want to have a template to select on numeric types, but I want to also have a global type template too. I tried to apply the solution for this question, but it didn't work:
template<typename T, typename ... Types>
void myFct(T arg1, Types ... rest) { /*do stuff*/ }
template<typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, T>::type,
typename ... Types>
void myFct(T arg1, Types ... rest) { /* do stuff */ }
because now I have two functions with the same header. What's the right way to do something like:
template<typename T, typename ... Types>
void myFct(T arg1, Types ... rest)
if (isNumeric(T))
There's probably better ways of doing this, but the simplest way to me is to just slap the enable_if
onto the return type:
template<typename T, typename ... Types>
typename std::enable_if<
myFct(T arg1, Types ... rest) { /*do numeric stuff*/ }
template<typename T, typename ... Types>
typename std::enable_if<
myFct(T arg1, Types ... rest) { /*do non-numeric stuff*/ }
This gets very unwieldy once you have more than just two mutually exclusive options, but this will definitely work.