I'm having trouble with a ggplot2 plot. I'm trying to display a set of points where the x axis is year and y axis is a floating point. There are two facets, 'type' and 'group' which has 4 and 2 values respectively. Strangely, year values which are distinct seem to be placed at the same year position in the plots. I assume I'm doing something wrong, but not sure what.
csv <- '"","year","type","meanPM2.5","group"
w <- read.csv(text = csv)
qplot(w$year, w$meanPM2.5, data=w, facets = type~group)
No need to specify w for your axis as its qplot already knows this from the data parameter. See below, it gives me the outcome that I would expect.
qplot(year, meanPM2.5, data=w, facets = type~group