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Add integers safely, and prove the safety

Programming course assignment asks to

  • write a (safe) function that adds two integers, and
  • show that the function is safe.

The following code represents my solution. I am not an expert on the C standard (or on formal verification methods). So I would like to ask: Are there better (or different) solutions?

Thank you

#include <limits.h>

      Try to add integers op1 and op2.
        0 (success) or
        1 (overflow prevented).
      In case of success, write the sum to res.

int safe_int_add(int * res,
                 int op1,
                 int op2) {
  if (op2 < 0) {

    /**  We have: **********************************************/
    /*                                                         */
    /*          0  >     op2                                   */
    /*          0  <   - op2                                   */
    /*    INT_MIN  <   - op2 + INT_MIN                         */
    /*    INT_MIN  <           INT_MIN - op2                   */
    /*    INT_MIN  <=          INT_MIN - op2                   */
    /*                                                         */
    /**  Also, we have: ****************************************/
    /*                                                         */
    /*              op2  >=    INT_MIN                         */
    /*            - op2  <=  - INT_MIN                         */
    /*    INT_MIN - op2  <=  - INT_MIN + INT_MIN               */
    /*    INT_MIN - op2  <=  0                                 */
    /*    INT_MIN - op2  <=  INT_MAX                           */
    /*                                                         */
    /**  Hence, we have: ***************************************/
    /*                                                         */
    /*    INT_MIN  <=  INT_MIN - op2  <=  INT_MAX              */
    /*                                                         */
    /*    i.e. the following subtraction does not overflow.    */
    /*                                                         */

    if (op1 < INT_MIN - op2) {
      return 1;

    /**  We have: *********************************/
    /*                                            */
    /*    INT_MIN - op2  <=  op1                  */
    /*    INT_MIN        <=  op1 + op2            */
    /*                                            */
    /**  Also, we have: ***************************/
    /*                                            */
    /*          op2  <   0                        */
    /*    op1 + op2  <   op1                      */
    /*    op1 + op2  <   INT_MAX                  */
    /*    op1 + op2  <=  INT_MAX                  */
    /*                                            */
    /**  Hence, we have: **************************/
    /*                                            */
    /*    INT_MIN  <=  op1 + op2  <=  INT_MAX     */
    /*                                            */
    /*    i.e. the addition does not overflow.    */
    /*                                            */

  else {

    /**  We have: **********************************************/
    /*                                                         */
    /*              op2  >=  0                                 */
    /*            - op2  <=  0                                 */
    /*    INT_MAX - op2  <=  INT_MAX                           */
    /*                                                         */
    /**  Also, we have: ****************************************/
    /*                                                         */
    /*              INT_MAX  >=    op2                         */
    /*            - INT_MAX  <=  - op2                         */
    /*    INT_MAX - INT_MAX  <=  - op2 + INT_MAX               */
    /*                    0  <=  - op2 + INT_MAX               */
    /*                    0  <=          INT_MAX - op2         */
    /*              INT_MIN  <=          INT_MAX - op2         */
    /*                                                         */
    /**  Hence, we have: ***************************************/
    /*                                                         */
    /*    INT_MIN  <=  INT_MAX - op2  <=  INT_MAX              */
    /*                                                         */
    /*    i.e. the following subtraction does not overflow.    */
    /*                                                         */

    if (op1 > INT_MAX - op2) {
      return 1;

    /**  We have: *********************************/
    /*                                            */
    /*    op1        <=  INT_MAX - op2            */
    /*    op1 + op2  <=  INT_MAX                  */
    /*                                            */
    /**  Also, we have: ***************************/
    /*                                            */
    /*          0  <=  op2                        */
    /*        op1  <=  op2 + op1                  */
    /*    INT_MIN  <=  op2 + op1                  */
    /*    INT_MIN  <=        op1 + op2            */
    /*                                            */
    /**  Hence, we have: **************************/
    /*                                            */
    /*    INT_MIN  <=  op1 + op2  <=  INT_MAX     */
    /*                                            */
    /*    i.e. the addition does not overflow.    */
    /*                                            */


  *res = op1 + op2;
  return 0;


  • OP's approach is optimally portably staying within type int as well as safe - no undefined behavior (UB) with any combination of int. It is independent of a particular int format (2's complement, 2's complement, sign-magnitude).

    In C, int overflow/(underflow) is undefined behavior. So code, if staying with int, must determine overflow potential before-hand. With op1 positive, INT_MAX - op1 cannot overflow. Also, with op1 negative, INT_MIN - op1 cannot overflow. So with edges properly calculated and tested, op1 + op2 will not overflow.

    // Minor re-write:
    int safe_int_add(int * res, int op1, int op2) {
      assert(res != NULL);
      if (op1 >= 0) { 
        if (op2 > INT_MAX - op1) return 1;
      } else { 
        if (op2 < INT_MIN - op1) return 1;
      *res = op1 + op2;
      return 0;

    See also

    If a know wider type is available, code could use

    int safe_int_add_wide(int * res, int op1, int op2) {
      int2x sum = (int2x) op1 + op2;
      if (sum < INT_MIN || sum > INT_MAX) return 1;
      *res = (int) sum;
      return 0;

    Approaches using unsigned, etc. first need to qualify that UINT_MAX >= INT_MAX - INT_MIN. This is usually true, but not guaranteed by the C standard.