So I have a little code, that I know works, that makes it so when you press on a div it opens a second div (which is set to display: none in css). You then click on the same div that you click to open the second div to close it (fade out).
However, I want to be able to make it so you can click OUTSIDE and it would fade out. I've tried numerous of codes, yet I cannot get it working. Please help!
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#dashbox").click(function() {
Add a click event to the document that, if the box is not already invisible, checks that it did not get triggered by clicking #dashboardbox or #dashbox (would trigger toggle twice) or any of their children. If all is well it will then fade out the box.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).click(function(e) {
// Skip if already hidden
// Skip if clicked dashbox or its children
if ($('#dashbox').length)
// Skip if clicked dashboardbox or its children
if ($('#dashboardbox').length)
// Fade out
$("#dashbox").click(function(e) {