I want to display a block of an array by the ID - can I do this using Template Toolkit or will it be in the Perl controller side? (I'm using Dancer & REST::Client to grab the JSON)
This is the JSON:
"id": 12345,
"name": bob,
"age": 22,
"birth_place": "London"
"id": 12346,
"name": amy,
"age": 20,
"birth_place": "London"
I'm getting the ID of the user in the controller so I can display the ID in the template with [% user.id %]
. So I want to be able to basically do
1) If user id matches the id of one of the id's in the JSON
2) Display data from that block
Name: [% content.name %]
Age: [% content.age %]
Birth Place: [% content.birth_place %]
Any help? :)
If you need to check for multiple users, you really want a hash rather than an array.
my $data = decode_json(...);
my %data_by_userid = map { $_->{id} => $_ } @{ $data->{user} };
Template parameters:
data_by_userid => \%data_by_userid
Then, you'd use
[% user = data_by_userid.$id -%]
[% IF user -%]
Name: [% user.name %]
Age: [% user.age %]
Birth Place: [% user.birth_place %]
[% END -%]
If you only need one user in the template, just use
my $data = decode_json(...);
my ($user) = grep { $_->{id} == $id } @{ $data->{user} };
Template parameters:
user => $user
Then, you'd use
[% IF user -%]
Name: [% user.name %]
Age: [% user.age %]
Birth Place: [% user.birth_place %]
[% END -%]