I am using qt to develop an embedded gui application. I am using 2 QStatusBars to make a menu-like buttons one can see on an osciloscope for example:
My problem is I dont know a proper way of separating the buttons from eachother with a certain width. In the picture you can see I have added couple separators to achieve that, but it doesnt look that way when run on the target.
Is there a better way to separate buttons on QStatusBar with certain width?
I'd prefer you use a blank widget to do the seperation as suggested by Martin, like so;
//the 2 widgets in the status bar
button1 = new QPushButton("Button1");
button2 = new QPushButton("Button2");
//the blank widget. You can set your width with 'setFixedWidth(int)'
widget = new QWidget;
//placing them in the status bar
statusBar = new QStatusBar;