I have crash in my program, it is a visualizer for VS, so, it is very hard to debug it, i have tried to make dump and use WinDbg to study it, but it unsuccessful.
So, now i try to put my hands on that list programmatically, but i don't know how. Thanks.
I do not think that there is a way to get at the finalization queue via .NET's managed Framework Class Library (FCL). I suspect that if you want to do this programmatically instead of debugging with WinDbg, you (just like WinDbg and similar tools) will need to use the CLR's unmanaged debugging & profiling APIs towards that end.
Take a look at the ICORDebugGCReferenceEnum
COM interface. You can retrieve on object of that type via ICorDebugProcess5::EnumerateGCReferences
"Provides an enumerator for objects that will be garbage-collected."
objects in the collection populated by [theICorDebugGCReferenceEnum::Next
method] represent three kinds of objects:
Objects from all managed stacks. This includes live references in managed code as well as objects created by the common language runtime.
Objects from the handle table. This includes strong references (
) and static variables in a module.Objects from the finalizer queue. The finalizer queue roots objects until the finalizer has run."
(Hyperlinks and emphasis added by me.)
Each object returned by the enumerator has a field type
. You might want to filter for objects where that field matches the value CorGCReferenceType.CorReferenceFinalizer