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FastReport 2.54, align 2 Memo object horizontaly to each other

I'm using FR 2.54 and I should align 2 Memo object next to each other. The first one (MemoLeft, on the left) AutoWidth property is True. I tried to change the second memo (MemoRight, on the right) Left property in the OnBeforePrint event:

MemoRight.Left := MemoLeft.Left + MemoLeft.Width;

but the MemoLeft width is always the designed value, instead of the value should be after the width recalculated (AutoWidth = True).

Any solution how can I manage to position the second Memo to the first MEmo right edge?

I could use RichView, but the result looks very ugly on my printers, so I don't want to.


  • Try to set memo's BandAlign properties to baLeft Place memos on the band in its creation order