I am using Spring AOP for logging wherein I want to log input/output of all methods present in package. I have written following pointcut for target package.
public void allmethods(){};
My logging method is as below.
public void LoggingAdviceBefore(JoinPoint joinPoint)
StringBuffer logMessage = new StringBuffer();
if(joinPoint != null && joinPoint.getTarget()!=null && joinPoint.getTarget().getClass()!=null)
// append args
Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args.length > 0) {
logMessage.deleteCharAt(logMessage.length() - 1);
The code is working fine.
My problem is, even if I do some simple operations like, populating an array list within my code, even that information is getting logged. I don't want such information to be logged.
I want to log inputs only for the methods that I had written in the classes present in target package & not for the code written inside those methods. How do I achieve this?
You can use the below code which I had written months back to understand SNMP framework implementation, it prints i/o of all the methods in package and subpackage, you can remove irrelevant classes and modify according to your needs, if required.
public class Snmp4JProfiler {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Snmp4JProfiler.class);
@Pointcut("execution (* org.snmp4j.Snmp.*(..))")
public void allSnmpServices() {
@Pointcut("execution (* org.snmp4j.security.U*.*(..))")
public void allUSMServices() {
@Around("allUSMServices() || allSnmpServices()")
public Object executionTimeOfService(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) pjp.getSignature();
String className = pjp.getSignature().getDeclaringTypeName();
final String methodName = methodSignature.getName();
String methodArgs = "";
for (Object obj : pjp.getArgs()) {
if (obj == null) {
methodArgs += "no args or null,";
} else if (obj instanceof UsmTimeEntry) {
UsmTimeEntry timeEntry = (UsmTimeEntry) obj;
methodArgs += obj.toString() + "[" + timeEntry.getEngineBoots() + "," + timeEntry.getLatestReceivedTime() + ","
+ timeEntry.getTimeDiff() + "," + timeEntry.getEngineID() + "]";
} else if (obj instanceof Object[]) {
methodArgs += obj.toString() + " " + Arrays.toString((Object[]) obj);
} else {
methodArgs += obj;
LOG.info("Start of method#" + methodName + " #class#" + className + " #args#" + methodArgs);
try {
Object output = pjp.proceed();
String rtValues = "";
if (output == null) {
rtValues += "no args or null,";
} else if (output instanceof UsmTimeEntry) {
UsmTimeEntry timeEntry = (UsmTimeEntry) output;
rtValues += output.toString() + "[" + timeEntry.getEngineBoots() + "," + timeEntry.getLatestReceivedTime() + ","
+ timeEntry.getTimeDiff() + "," + timeEntry.getEngineID() + "]";
} else if (output instanceof Object[]) {
rtValues += output.toString() + " " + Arrays.toString((Object[]) output);
} else {
rtValues += output;
LOG.info("End of method#" + methodName + " #class#" + className + " #return#" + rtValues);
return output;
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.info("End of method#" + methodName + " #class#" + className + " #error#" + ex.getMessage());
throw ex;