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How Do I Nest Spacebars Tags?

I have a problem. I have a collection of documents in my database, and I would like to display each document depending on whether a session variable corresponding to that document is set.

To illustrate my problem, let me give a simplified example.

  stuff: [
    {name: 'item1'},
    {name: 'item2'}
    {name, 'item3'},
    {name: 'item4'},
    {name: 'item5'}
  isActive: function (itemName) {
    return Session.get(itemName + 'IsActive');

Now, what I would like to do is this:

{{#each stuff}}
    {{#if isActive {{name}} }}
      {{> someTemplate}}

But since nested tags like this are not supported, I can't do this. I am looking for a way to achieve this without having to write:

{{if isActive 'item1'}}{{> someTemplate}}{{/if}}
{{if isActive 'item2'}}{{> someTemplate}}{{/if}}
{{if isActive 'item3'}}{{> someTemplate}}{{/if}}
{{if isActive 'item4'}}{{> someTemplate}}{{/if}}
{{if isActive 'item5'}}{{> someTemplate}}{{/if}}

Which is possible if the data is static like in the above example (instead of coming from a database cursor), but it is not really practical in any case, especially with a lot of items. Furthermore, this style probably makes every programmer cringe.


  • Since the context of isActive is a stuff, then should be available to the helper:

      isActive: function(itemName) {
        return Session.get( + 'IsActive');

    Your template would look like:

    {{#each stuff}}
      {{#if isActive}}
        {{> someTemplate}}