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GameObject.FindObjectOfType<>() vs GetComponent<>()

I have been following several tutorial series and have seen these two used in very similar ways, and was hoping someone could explain how they differ and, if possible, examples of when you would use one instead of the other (presuming that they are actually similar!).

private LevelManager levelManager;

void Start () {
    levelManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<LevelManager>();


private LevelManager levelManager;

void Start () {
    levelManager = GetComponent<LevelManager>();


  • You don't want to use

    void Start () {
        levelManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<LevelManager>();

    that often. Particularly on start

    To answer your question though, these two functions are actually not very similar. One is a exterior call, the other an interior.
    So what's the difference?

    1. The GameObject.FindObjectOfType is more of a scene wide search and isn't the optimal way of getting an answer. Actually, Unity publicly said its super slow Unity3D API Reference - FindObjectOfType

    2. The GetComponent<LevelManager>(); is a local call. Meaning whatever file is making this call will only search the GameObject that it is attached to. So in the inspector, the file will only search other things in the same inspector window. Such as Mesh Renderer, Mesh Filter, Etc. Or that objects children. I believe there is a separate call for this, though.
      Also, you can use this to access other GameObject's components if you reference them first (show below).


    I would recommend doing a tag search in the awake function.

    private LevelManager levelManager;
    void Awake () {
        levelManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("manager").GetComponent<LevelManager>();

    Don't forget to tag the GameObject with the script LevelManager on it by adding a tag. (Click the GameObject, look at the top of the inspector, and click Tag->Add Tag

    You can do that, or do

    public LevelManager levelManager;

    And drag the GameObject into the box in the inspector.

    Either option is significantly better than doing a GameObject.FindObjectOfType.

    Hope this helps