I have this code in my js file
var selectedTagElement = _.template('$("#selected_tag_item_template").html()', item = { tag: label, value: value });
and this in my html file
<script type="text/template" id="selected_tag_item_template">
<div class="tag_item selected js-selected_tag_item"
data-tag-value="<%= item.value %>"
data-tag-label="<%= item.tag %>"><%= item.tag %>
Everything is working fine in all browser but IE9 and IE10. If it try
all i get is
LOG: function(n){return o.call(this,n,m)}
and if i try to print the item variables in my html file, like this
<%= item %>
i get this
function item() { [native code] }
What's going wrong? Thanks
The output you're getting from:
indicates that selectedTagElement
is a function. You used to be able to compile and fill in a template in one step but that stopped working in Underscore 1.7.
You need to start building your selectedTagElement
in two steps:
.So you want to be saying this:
var t = _.template($('#selected_tag_item_template').html());
var selectedTagElement = t({ item: { tag: label, value: value } });
That should work everywhere and matches the standard usage.
Your code works by accident where it works at all. I'm going to assume that '$("#js_template").html()'
is just a typo because it doesn't make sense otherwise. Let us break up your code into something equivalent:
item = { tag: label, value: value };
var selectedTagElement = _.template('$("#js_template").html()', item);
The first line creates a global item
variable that holds the data you want to give to the template.
The second line will compile the template into a function and ignore the second item
argument completely since it doesn't match any of _.template
's options.
The third line hands a function to [append
]2. Normally you give append
a string of HTML or a DOM node but you can also give it a function; when you give append
a function, it runs the function and uses its return value as an HTML string. In non-IE browsers, the template function will get the item
through your accidental global variable:
item = { tag: label, value: value }
but IE is using an item
function (which is implemented with native code in the browser) from somewhere instead of using your item