I have the following code snippet:
public static string returnString()
string[] stringList = { "a" };
if (stringList.Count() != 1)
throw new Exception("Multiple values in list");
var returnValue = stringList.Single();
Contract.Assert(returnValue != null, "returnValue is null");
return returnValue;
CodeContract says:
CodeContracts: assert unproven. Are you making some assumption on Single that the static checker is unaware of?
In my understanding, Single()
never returns null - it returns either the exactly only value of the IEnumerable or it throws an exception. How can I proof this to the code analyzer?
In my understanding,
never returns null
Not true -
string[] a = new string[] {null};
bool check = (a.Single() == null); // true
It returns either the exactly only value of the
or it throws an exception.
That is correct - so if the collection contains just a single null value then Single
will return null.