I have a requirement for getting a CRM URL via a custom workflow to use in the next step which is to send an email. The reason for this is to differentiate to users which server this email has come from (UAT/Live).
I have been trying to use HTTPContext route as advised from this site https://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/31ff567d-65ea-4385-a764-68a2121ae8c0/ms-crm-2011-get-path-of-crm-server-url-in-plugin?forum=crmdevelopment but the result I get back is useless as I am I am only receiving an "/" back.
Does anyone know what to do from this point or why this may not be working?
I ended up coming up with a solution by using the environment.machinename to pull through the server name. From there i could determine which production server the workflow had been run through and passed a string containing, dev, uat or live to the output to use in my activity emails.
Be aware i had to register the workflow without it being in sandbox mode. Hope this helps somebody in the future.