I need your help in blocking the form based on the returned value from the method UpdateDatatable
that will return "Yes", if commandButton
"Print" is fired. If it is fired, I need to block the UI on the close of the dialog, otherwise not to block it. Currently my code is and it is blocking each time, I am closing the Dialog:
<p:dialog id="ss" header="SSS" widgetVar="ss" modal="true" showEffect="fade"
hideEffect="fade" resizable="false" >
<p:ajax event="close" listener="#{hrd.UpdateDatatable}"/>
<p:blockUI trigger="ss" block=":Requests">
<p:graphicImage width="50" value="/resources/images/ajax.gif">
<<p:commandButton value="Print" id="Print" actionListener="#{hrd.updatePrint}"/>
Remove the trigger
and add widgetVar
to the p:blockUI
component to be able to trigger it directly.
<p:blockUI block=":Requests" widgetVar="blockUIVar">
Have your print button set a global js variable.
<p:commandButton value="Print" id="Print" actionListener="#{hrd.updatePrint}"
onclick="window.printClicked = true;"/>
Check the variable state and trigger UI block if necessary at the start of the close
request. Reset variable state in case the dialog could be reopened.
<p:ajax event="close" listener="#{hrd.UpdateDatatable}"
onstart="if (window.printClicked) { PF('blockUIVar').show(); window.printClicked = false; }"/>