So ive got ratyrate working in development just fine by adding
<%= javascript_include_tag 'ratyrate.js', "data-turbolinks-track" => false %>
to the body of my view. Prior to this the stars would only load when the url was directly accessed or the page refreshed.
Now I am having the exact same issue (stars not loading when page is accessed through a link) when deploying my app on heroku!
I hope that this is enough info (happy to provide more) and that someone has faced this before/has any ideas! Thanks!
solved - see answer
So the problem was that I forgot to run rake assets:precompile
. The solution for development mentioned in the question should work.
Add <%= javascript_include_tag 'ratyrate.js', "data-turbolinks-track" => false %>
to the head (seems to run faster) or body tag in your view.
Also add Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( ratyrate.js )
to config/initializers/assets.rb.
Then make sure you run rake assets:precompile
to avoid looking as silly as me!
Hope this helps someone :)