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Jersey: disable default JSON provider

i am using Jersey 2.17, JSON and automatic feature discovery.

I have my custom JSON Provider extending JacksonJsonProvider. It's annotated with @Provider and automatically registerd, same as default one that comes with:


I want to disable/exclude default one without giving up on feature scanning/manually registering everything.

Only solution I've came up with is @Priority(Integer.MAX_VALUE) to make sure my provider have higher priority, but I don't like the idea of relying on priority.

tried jersey.config.disableJsonProcessing but it does not seem to change anything


  • Yeah, so the Jackson feature is wrapped in an auto-discoverable, so it's automatically registered. There a a couple options I see.

    You Could...

    Disable the auto discovery feature with the property

    - or -

    The only thing with this is that any other feature that you would expect to be registered automatically (which are also auto discovered) will need to be registered again. (There aren't many features that are auto-discovered, so it might not be that big of a problem to disable it, if any).

    You Could...

    Not use jersey-media-json-jackson and instead use


    jersey-media-json-jackson actually uses that provider, it doesn't actually provide any of it's own Jackson functionality. All it does really is register the MBR, MBW, and ExceptionMapper, and also wrap it in the auto-discoverable. The JacksonJsonProvider or JacksonJaxbJsonProvider you extended is there. You may also want to register the JsonParseExceptionMapper and JsonMappingExceptionMapper.


    Not sure why you are extending the JacksonJsonProvider, but if it's just to register your own ObjectMapper, the more common approach is to configure it in a ContextResolver