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Delegating Constructors with Inheritance in C++ FAT Filesystem Emulation

I'm currently creating a FAT filesystem in C++. I have three classes:

  • Sdisk (which formats the disk via string to file output).
  • Filesys (which writes the FAT and the root).
  • Shell (offers ability to perform various file system operations.)

During each class coding I wrote simple main initializations of Sdisk and Filesys constructors. Now that I'm writing the Shell when I test Shell's default constructor I'm having issues with memory. Specifically: EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=1 address=0xfffffffffffffff....).

I decided to use my debugger to find out what went wrong and determined that the values I was passing in the Shell constructor to the Sdisk default constructor wasn't correct. I started to dig and found out that calling another classes constructor inside of the current classes constructor was called: "Delegating" or "Constructor Chaining". I had no idea. I found out that you have to "use it from the initialization list, not from the constructor body".

I've created an extra constructor with no parameters for Shell. What I need to do is call Sdisk from inside of the Shell constructor with Sdisk's default three parameters. But when I try that I continue to get the memory errors. I've even attempted to give the default constructor of Shell no parameters but as long as I call it in main it causes the error.

Any help regarding this matter is extremely appreciated! Thank you!

Here is my reference for Delegating Constructors

class Shell: public Filesys
    Shell(string filename, int blocksize, int numberofblocks):Filesys(disk) {Filesys(filename,blocksize,numberofblocks);};                // creates the file system.
        int dir();              // call ls which lists all files
        int add(string file);   // add a new file using input from the keyboard.
        int del(string file);   // deletes the file
        int type(string file);  //lists the contents of file
        int copy(string file1, string file2);//copies file1 to file2
    friend class Sdisk;
    friend class Filesys;

class Sdisk
    public :
    Sdisk() { }

    Sdisk(string diskname);                                         // Default Constructor
    Sdisk(string diskname, int numberofblocks, int blocksize);
    int getblock(int blocknumber, string& buffer);
    int putblock(int blocknumber, string buffer);
    int getblocksize() {return blocksize; }                         // Returns the blocksize.
    int getnumberofblocks() { return numberofblocks; }              // Returns the number of blocks.
    string getfilename() { return diskname; }                       // Returns the disk name.
    friend class Shell;
    friend class Filesys;

    private :

    int numberofblocks;                                             // number of blocks on disk
    string diskname;                                                // file name of pseudo-disk
    string diskname1;
    int blocksize;                                                  // block size in bytes/the number of blocks.

  class Filesys

    int fsclose();
    int newfile(string file);
    int rmfile(string file);
    int getfirstblock(string file);
    int addblock(string file, string block);
    int delblock(string file, int blocknumber);
    int readblock(string file, int blocknumber, string& buffer);
    int writeblock(string file, int blocknumber, string buffer);
    int nextblock(string file, int blocknumber);
    bool checkblock(string file, int blocknumber);
    vector<string> block(string buffer, int b);
    Sdisk disk;
    friend class Shell;

    private :

    int fssync();                   //writes the Root and FAT to the disk.
    string buffer;
    int rootsize;                   // maximum number of entries in ROOT
    int fatsize;                    // number of blocks occupied by FAT
    vector<string> filename;        // filenames in ROOT
    vector<int> firstblock;         // firstblocks in ROOT parallel
    vector<int> fat;                // FAT # of blocks

int main()
    string s;
    string command="go";
    string op1,op2;

    while (command != "quit")
        cout << "$";
        unsigned long firstblank = s.find(' ');
        if (firstblank < s.length()) s[firstblank]='#';
        unsigned long secondblank = s.find(' ');
        if (firstblank < s.length())
        if (secondblank < s.length())
        if (command=="dir")
            cout << "dir" << endl;

            // use the ls function

        if (command=="add")
            // The variable op1 is the new file
            cout << "add" << endl;

        if (command=="del")
            cout << "del" << endl;
            // The variable op1 is the file
        if (command=="type")
            cout << "type" << endl;
            // The variable op1 is the file
        if (command=="copy")
            cout << "copy" << endl;
            // The variable op1 is the source file and the variable op2 is the destination file.
        if (command=="exit")
            cout << "Exiting now..." << endl;
            return 0;


    return 0;

Filesys::Filesys(Sdisk& sdisk):Sdisk(disk)
    this-> disk = sdisk;
    rootsize = disk.getblocksize()/12;
    fatsize = (disk.getnumberofblocks()*5) / (disk.getblocksize())+1;
    cout << "rootsize: " << rootsize << endl << "fatsize: " << fatsize << endl << "number of blocks: " <<  disk.getnumberofblocks() << endl << "getblocksize(): " << disk.getblocksize() << endl;

    for(int i=0; i<rootsize; i++)

    int k= disk.getnumberofblocks();
    fat.push_back(fatsize + 2);

    for (int i = 0; i <= fatsize; i++)


    for(int i = fatsize + 2; i < k; i++)

    fat[fat.size()-1] = 0;

Sdisk::Sdisk(string disk)
    diskname = disk + ".dat";
    diskname1 = disk + ".spc";
    ifstream ifile(diskname1.c_str());

        ifile >> numberofblocks >> blocksize;

        cout << "Was unable to open the file" << endl;

// Sdisk default constructor
Sdisk::Sdisk(string disk, int numberofblocks, int blocksize)
    this->diskname = disk + ".dat";
    this->diskname1 = disk + ".spc";
    this->numberofblocks = numberofblocks;
    this->blocksize = blocksize;
    fstream spcfile;
    fstream datfile;>diskname1).c_str(),ios::in | ios::out);>diskname).c_str(),ios::in | ios::out);

    if (spcfile.good() && datfile.good())
        cout << "The disk named: " << diskname.c_str() << " exists and is now ready to be written to." << endl;
    else // .spc/.dat file creation.
        cout << "The disk: " << diskname.c_str() << "could not be found. " << endl;
        cout << "Both the SPC and DAT file were not found. Creating both now. Please wait...." << endl;>diskname1).c_str(),ios::out);>diskname).c_str(),ios::out);
        spcfile << numberofblocks << " " << blocksize;
        cout << "The SPC file " << diskname.c_str() << " was created" << endl;
        cout << "The DAT file " << diskname.c_str() << " was created" << endl;

        for (int i=0; i<numberofblocks*blocksize; i++)
            datfile.put('#');           // Fills the file with '#' character.


  • The problem is here:

    Shell(string filename, int blocksize, int numberofblocks) : Filesys(disk) 

    The Shell constructor creates in the body a temporary shell object, which itself calls the Shell constructor again and so on. So you will end up with an infinite recursion and a full stack.

    Other remarks:

    • In your shell constructor you also initalize the base class subobject with the mem-initializer Filesys(disk). I couldn't find a valid disk in your code snippet. But as you experience runtime problems and not compilation errors, I suppose it was simply lost in the copy&paste.

    • Are you sure that Shell should inherit from Filesys ? I.e. can you say that your Shell is a FAT filesystem ? And how would your class design evolve if later you'd decide to enrich the filesystems that your Shell suports with say NTFS or EXT3 filesystems ?

    • Finally, is the number of blocks and the blocksize not parameters of the filesystem rather than the shell you construct on its top ?

    For these reasons I'd rather go for something like:

    class Shell
        string fname; 
        Filesys &fs;  
        Shell(string filename, Filesys &filesystem) 
            : fname(filename), fs(disk)
        { ... };                // creates the file system.

    In this case you'd create the Shell:

    Sdisk mydisk("drive1", 32768, 4096);  // disk data for the disk constructor
    Filesys mysystem(mydisk);             // fs parameters for the fs
    Shell myshell("A:", mysystem);        // higher level abstraction