I have the problem with Too many connection on mechanize and I wounder how I close a connection since I want to build a scraper with proxy.
I did find the
but for somereason I cant get that to work. any help ?
10.times {
minion = Mechanize.new { |mech|
mech.open_timeout = 15
mech.read_timeout = 15
minion.set_proxy '', 80
page = minion.get("http://www.whatsmyip.org/")
proxy_ip_adress = page.parser.css('#ip').text
puts proxy_ip_adress
I think you'll want to use a Mechanize#start block:
10.times do
Mechanize.start do |minion|
minion.open_timeout = 15
minion.read_timeout = 15
minion.set_proxy '', 80
page = minion.get("http://www.whatsmyip.org/")
proxy_ip_adress = page.parser.css('#ip').text
puts proxy_ip_adress
# minion definitely doesn't exist anymore