I have a date in the ymd format. Example for 2014-05-28 I actually have: 140528.
I would like to convert it to the date(c") format. Example: 2014-05-28T00:00:00-04:00
I cannot use DateTime::createFromFormat because of my php version. So instead I tried strtotime, but with no success:
$deliveryDate = date('ymd', $d[14]);
$d[14] = date("c", strtotime($deliveryDate));
strtotime is not recognizing the original date format as it returns me the 1969 date.
Break it up into parts and then form a valid date out of those parts. Then strtotime()
will work.
$badDate = "140528";
$date = sprintf("20%s-%s-%s",
substr($badDate, 0, 2),
substr($badDate, 2, 2),
substr($badDate, 4, 2)
echo date("c", strtotime($date));