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Grails Include template from external location

How do I include external GSPs or template in the GSP file when the template to be included is not under views folder?


  • Yes, you can easily do that. Here you go:

    import grails.gsp.PageRenderer
    class MyLib {
        static namespace = "foo"
        static defaultEncodeAs = "raw"
        PageRenderer groovyPageRenderer
        def externalTemplate = { attrs, body ->
            String externalFilePath = attrs.externalPath
             * Put content of that external template to a file inside grails-app/views folder
             * with a temporary unique name appended by current timestamp
            String temporaryFileName = "_external-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".gsp"
            File temporaryFile = new File("./grails-app/views/temp/$temporaryFileName")
             * Copy content of external file path to the temporary file in views folder.
             * This is required since the groovyPageRenderer can compile any GSP located inside
             * the views folder.
            temporaryFile.text << new File(externalFilePath).text
             * Now compile the content of the external GSP code and render it
            out << groovyPageRenderer.render([template: "/temp/$temporaryFileName", model: attrs.model])
            // Delete the file finally

    Now in your actual GSP where you want to include the external GSP, you can write so:

        <foo:externalTemplate externalPath="/home/user/anyExternalFile.gsp" model="${[status: 1}" />